• Ten Random facts about the Noon behind the Memes!

    1. I’m an introvert at heart. Even socialising too much on social media sometimes gets to me.
    2. I LOVE designing! It can be a house, an interior, a logo, a table ..... give me something and I’ll keep designing it, be it in my dreams.
    3. I am a high achiever! I like to give anything I do my best! Except cooking.... there I aim to survive.
    4. I started doing hijab 2 years back!
    5. I love Allah Tallah and live to please him. Inshallah. I hope. Ameen
    6. I can eat biryani everyday.
    7. I’m claustrophobic.
    8. I have a very limited social circle. Almost next to zero.
    9. I hardly watch any television except for interior design/house renovation shows.
    10. I’ve discovered a love for writing recently and am pretty funny, atleast in my writings 🤫

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